ObjectARX, AutoCAD. Среда программирования библиотеки C++

Типовой Код

Этот пример создает класс, который дает возможность пользователю создать эллипс,  выбирая его среднюю точку и затем перемещая, чтобы выбрать желательную главную ось и незначительные{*младшие*} длины оси. В течение перетащенных операций, пользователь будет способен видеть то, что эллипс напоминает в любое время.

ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, пробует ли пользователь делать незначительную{*младшую*} ось дольше чем главная ось, эллипс закончится как круг, потому что отношение{*коэффициент*} радиуса не может быть большее чем 1.0.

class AsdkEllipseJig : public AcEdJig

// This class allows the user to create an ellipse by

// picking its center point and then dragging to select the

// desired major axis and minor axis lengths. During the

// drag operations, the user will be able to visually see

// what the ellipse looks like at any time.




AsdkEllipseJig(const AcGePoint3d&, const AcGeVector3d&);

void doIt();

virtual DragStatus sampler();

virtual Adesk::Boolean update();

virtual AcDbEntity* entity() const;


AcDbEllipse *mpEllipse;

AcGePoint3d mCenterPt, mAxisPt;

AcGeVector3d mMajorAxis, mNormal;

double mRadiusRatio;

int mPromptCounter;


// The following defines the constructor that accepts a point to be

// used as the centerpoint of the ellipse and the current UCS normal

// vector to be used as the normal for the ellipse. It also

// initializes the radius ratio to a small value so that during

// selection of the major axis, the ellipse will appear as a line.

// The prompt counter is also initialized to 0.



const AcGePoint3d& pt,

const AcGeVector3d& normal)

: mCenterPt(pt),




{ }

// This function creates an AcDbEllipse object and gets the

// jig started acquiring the necessary info to properly fill

// it in.





mpEllipse = new AcDbEllipse;

// Get the major axis vector from the user.

// At this time, mPromptCounter == 0.


setDispPrompt("\nEllipse major axis: ");

AcEdJig::DragStatus stat = drag();

// Get the ellipse’s radius ratio.


mPromptCounter++; // now == 1

setDispPrompt("\nEllipse minor axis: ");

stat = drag();

// Now add the ellipse to the database’s current space.




// This function is called by the drag function to

// acquire a sample input.





DragStatus stat;



| AcEdJig::kNoNegativeResponseAccepted

| AcEdJig::kNoZeroResponseAccepted));

if (mPromptCounter == 0) {

// Aquire the major axis endpoint.


// If the newly acquired point is the same as it was

// in the last sample, then we return kNoChange so the

// AsdkEllipseJig::update() function will not be called

// and the last update call will be able to finish, thus

// allowing the ellipse to fully elaborate.


static AcGePoint3d axisPointTemp;

stat = acquirePoint(mAxisPt, mCenterPt);

if (axisPointTemp != mAxisPt)

axisPointTemp = mAxisPt;

else if (stat == AcEdJig::kNormal)

return AcEdJig::kNoChange;


else if (mPromptCounter == 1) {

// Aquire the distance from ellipse center to minor

// axis endpoint. This will be used to calculate the

// radius ratio.


// If the newly acquired distance is the same as it was

// in the last sample, then we return kNoChange so the

// AsdkEllipseJig::update() function will not be called

// and the last update call will be able to finish, thus

// allowing the ellipse to fully elaborate.


static double radiusRatioTemp = -1;

stat = acquireDist(mRadiusRatio, mCenterPt);

if (radiusRatioTemp != mRadiusRatio)

radiusRatioTemp = mRadiusRatio;

else if (stat == AcEdJig::kNormal)

return AcEdJig::kNoChange;


return stat;


// This function is called to update the entity based on the

// input values.





switch (mPromptCounter) {

case 0:

// At this time, mAxis contains the value of one

// endpoint of the desired major axis. The

// AcDbEllipse class stores the major axis as the

// vector from the center point to where the axis

// intersects the ellipse path (such as half of the true

// major axis), so we already have what we need.


mMajorAxis = mAxisPt - mCenterPt;


case 1:

// Calculate the radius ratio. mRadiusRatio

// currently contains the distance from the ellipse

// center to the current pointer position. This is

// half of the actual minor axis length. Since

// AcDbEllipse stores the major axis vector as the

// vector from the center point to the ellipse curve

// (half the major axis), to get the radius ratio we

// simply divide the value currently in mRadiusRatio

// by the length of the stored major axis vector.


mRadiusRatio = mRadiusRatio / mMajorAxis.length();



// Now update the ellipse with the latest setting.


mpEllipse->set(mCenterPt, mNormal, mMajorAxis,


return Adesk::kTrue;


// This function must be implemented to return a pointer to

// the entity being manipulated by the jig.



AsdkEllipseJig::entity() const


return mpEllipse;


// This function uses the AcEdJig mechanism to create and

// drag an ellipse entity. The creation criteria are

// slightly different from the AutoCAD command. In this

// case, the user selects an ellipse center point and

// drags to visually select the major and minor axes

// lengths. This sample is somewhat limited; if the

// minor axis ends up longer than the major axis, then the

// ellipse will just be round because the radius ratio

// cannot be greater than 1.0.





// First, have the user select the ellipse center point.

// We don’t use the jig for this because there is

// nothing to see yet.


AcGePoint3d tempPt;

struct resbuf rbFrom, rbTo;

acedGetPoint(NULL, "\nEllipse center point: ",


// The point we just got is in UCS coordinates, but

// AcDbEllipse works in WCS, so convert the point.


rbFrom.restype = RTSHORT;

rbFrom.resval.rint = 1; // from UCS

rbTo.restype = RTSHORT;

rbTo.resval.rint = 0; // to WCS

acedTrans(asDblArray(tempPt), &rbFrom, &rbTo,

Adesk::kFalse, asDblArray(tempPt));

// Now you need to get the current UCS z-Axis to be used

// as the normal vector for the ellipse.


AcGeVector3d x =


AcGeVector3d y =


AcGeVector3d normalVec = x.crossProduct(y);


// Create an AsdkEllipseJig object passing in the

// center point just selected by the user and the normal

// vector just calculated.


AsdkEllipseJig *pJig

= new AsdkEllipseJig(tempPt, normalVec);

// Now start up the jig to interactively get the major

// and minor axes lengths.



// Now delete the jig object, since it is no longer needed.


delete pJig;














extern "C" AcRx::AppRetCode

acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void* appId)


switch (msg) {

case AcRx::kInitAppMsg:





case AcRx::kUnloadAppMsg:



return AcRx::kRetOK;


Содержание раздела